

A range of packaging made from recycled Ocean Bound Plastic pollution rescued from coastal communities throughout Southeast Asia.


An estimated 5-13 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans every year and this is expected to triple by 2040.
Over 70% of that plastic enters oceans via land and over 80% of that comes from Asia. That's why we focus our collection efforts in Southeast Asian coastal communities.


By working closely and responsibly with communities in these areas, we can clean up the environment AND have positive social impact.
When we commit to purchasing the plastic pollution they collect, we provide a consistent source of income and help raise their standards of living.


Pollution and poverty are often inextricably linked – and waste management infrastructure is often non-existent in these communities.
Plastic rubbish is usually littered, burnt or buried (in piles for livestock and dogs to ferret in). If instead we can provide an economic incentive for people to pick it up and collect it, we can stop it from entering the ocean. 


Independent Life Cycle Analysis has shown POLLAST!C mailers to be the lowest carbon form of packaging currently commercially available.
They have a CO₂ footprint far less than that of a traditional plastic mailer and also less than 100% recycled paper.


We're thrilled to share that POLLAST!C mailers delivers on 13 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


When you switch to POLLAST!C you’re essentially commissioning beach clean ups in the parts of the world where most ocean plastics come from. 

If you’re truly serious about a “Plastic Free” future, then using packaging made out of plastic pollution rescued from beaches and waterways is the BEST thing you can do to make progress towards that vision. To date we have rescued 90 tonnes of plastic and prevented it from going into the ocean by making it into packaging!

When 5-13 million tonnes enters the ocean every year, we’re all too aware that it’s just a drop in the bucket. But, imagine if all packaging globally was made out of pollution instead of new, virgin plastic – now that would be serious impact. We all have to start somewhere and lead together to show the world it can be done.

Short answer - No. The plastic that tends to end up in the ocean is convenience food packaging (chip packets, carry bags, takeaway containers, water bottles…) particularly in the least developed countries - parts of the world that don’t have any waste management infrastructure (Southeast Asia accounts for over 80% of plastics entering the ocean).

Firstly, the kinds of packaging we make (courier bags and poly bags) are destined for people’s homes or businesses where they can easily be disposed of responsibly. They are generally not going to be dropped on the footpath or accidentally fly out of a car door. They are also mostly used to package goods in developed countries - our customers and their customers are predominantly in North America, Europe and Australasia. These locations have good recycling and waste management systems and are not the source of most ocean plastics.

All our packaging has very clear instructions for how it should be recycled BUT, if it does end up going to landfill (and inevitably some will), it is in a much better place there than where it was before – in the environment on its way to the ocean.

Not all recycled content is created equal! By switching to packaging made from ocean bound plastic you are helping to solve a massive environmental issue as well as alleviating poverty. Using ordinary recycled content is good, but helping to rescue plastic pollution from beaches and waterways is so much Better! You’re basically commissioning beach clean ups in the parts of the world where most ocean plastics come from – there is no comparison.



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